Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Deep in thought

I'd like to claim he's deep in thought about the meaning of marriage, but I think he was wondering if he could get some more bubbles to play with, as well as when dinner was going to start!
Ollie + SLZ at Valerie's wedding

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gardening with Grandad!

More dirt in the garden than on the toddler: check. Barely.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Year and a Bit

I wrote this on January 3, 2013, but I didn't get quite as much done as I hoped.  It's still a pretty long post so thought I should just throw it up to help remember how much he's changed.  It was fun to look back and remember what Ollie was doing about 5 months ago.  I'll try to write another one soon so I don't forget it all!

Another year! (It had just turned 2013!)  This last year and a bit has been so much fun.

Here's the rundown of some Ollie stats:
Weight: 25+ pounds
Clothes: 12-18 months
Teeth: 9 +/-2  It's harder to put my finger in his mouth to see how many he has these days.

Loves: Lights, birds, food (especially blackberries), balloons, balls, cars, cats, water, baths, streams, lakes, any body of water, being outside,  collecting or eating pinecones and sticks,

Hates: Diaper changes (though daddy is great entertainment for these), broccoli

What can he do: He can identify his own or our eyes, nose, mouth, ears.  He helps get himself dressed and take his clothes off at the beginning/end of each day.  He's a great communicator, he clicks his tongue when he's thirsty, can sign the word for food when he's hungry (he can also sign: more, please, hat, bird, and all done).

Words: Many!  Cat, dog (woof, woof), Moo (for a cow), bird, duck (and quack), owl, shoes, socks, nose, eyes, please, thank you, lights (he's obsessed!), car, truck, ball, boo-oon (balloon), book, hat, mama, daddy, fish, tree and banana (or, actually Na-nana).

We've done lots of fun things with our babything this past year.  One of our favorites has been visiting the babything's cousin, the ladybaby.  She's just 2 months younger than he is and is quite adorable, as you can see.  The two together are unbearably cute.


Uncle Tim makes the best music, especially the lyrics.  Meow.

Our several camping and hiking adventures were among the most fun.  We've done a few hiking expeditions, but some favorite were to some NC parks.

Climbing at Hanging Rock
Panning for gold and finding some snakes, also at Hanging Rock

Falls at Raven Rock, August 2012 (10 months)

Falls at Raven Rock, December 2012 (13+ months)

We decided to start our camping adventure on Friday, the 13th, in July, when the babything was 8.5 months old. The Blob and I took him to Grayson Highlands for an overnight and as usual, he surprised us by being happy and cooperative the whole time.  He loved every bit and slept well too.  This kid is amazing! We had some hints from friends who had tried before, so we set him up in his car seat to sleep the first time.

Camping!  In the tent at Grayson Highlands.

On this trip, he had his first Appalachian Trail (AT) hike.

The camping was such a success that we returned with a few more people mid-September, when the babything was 10.5 months.  This time, we had a 4 person tent and he slept in a pack n' play. 

The crew.
There are several things that I love about Grayson Highlands.  The views are amazing and the topography changes pretty often.

The weather changes pretty quickly, and dramatically.  We were mid-hike, having a leisurely lunch when, out of nowhere, we were caught by a mini-derecho!  We scrambled to get dry bits on and protect the babything.  Thankfully, he had a happy, little baby pod to protect him from the elements.

Another thing that Grayson Highlands offers is wild ponies!  We saw many, many ponies this trip (none on the first trip though).

And probably the best part of Grayson Highlands is the waterfalls.  There are many and they are amazing!

The babything missed a few of the waterfalls. He was too busy sleeping on top of them.


While I love his curiosity in this picture (below), I love what it represents even more.  He started crawling about 5 minutes after I took this picture, so this captured the last few moments of being a baby.
The last few minutes of being a baby.  Sigh.
And I haven't organized these, but here are a few pictures of the life of the babything from his first year.


Swing Dancing!

Psyched for Biking.  Yikes!

Yardwork.  He's his daddy's son.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Kitten? Tree?

There must be a kitten stuck in a tree somewhere around here to go with this firetruckballpit, right?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013


Little boys, big fun.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sickie Pants

If RSV and bilateral ear infections get you down, wear your warm bits inside and look as pitiful as possible.  Then daddy will feed you cookies all day.  Worked for this guy.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's the end of the world as we know it.

Ollie is walking!

He hasn't been on the fast track for any milestone, which is more than fine by us, as long as they happen.  He's more of a calculated risk kind of guy.  Once he knows he'll be able to do it, he just does it.  None of this messing about, trying and falling stuff.  When he started crawling, he had only just figured out how to sit himself up and then once that happened, he just went.  No commando style, none of that modified crab walk crawling.  Just plain old crawling...when he was absolutely ready.

It was the same way with walking.  He started out being pretty stable standing, so we encouraged him to take a couple steps, which he reluctantly would do, but more often than not, he would just sit himself down and crawl.  Rather than walk, he started to do some knee skating.  This allowed him to a) not walk and b) carry stuff around with him.  He got pretty good at it!

Knee Skating
Then, the day after Christmas, we were putting his pajamas on in his room and he just took off--all the way across the room!  And that was that.  Here's a demonstration on New Year's Day.  

New Year's Day was a bit dreary here, weather-wise, but Ollie passed the time with a bit of reorganization.  He spent quite a lot of time taking cat food out of a bag and relocating it under the bench.  We repacked the bag after he was done each time and he'd start over.  He clearly inherited his dad's compulsion to organize.

Everything in its place!
Very pleased with himself!